Thursday, July 29, 2010

FAMiLy PiCturEs!!

i have WAY WAY WAY too many favorites to choose, so im going to just post a bunch! Amy Allred did an AMAZING job!! We appreciate it so much! thanks amy!!

OVeRnIGht CAMpinG TrIp

we took our first overnight camping trip. we werent completely perpared, but that was half the adventure! we went all the way to riggs lake and pitched our tent ready to explore the outdoors!!!

tate didnt like his pack in play that much, he ended up sleeping with me, well actually he didnt sleep. he loved the thunder to much! it was hard to get him to settle down!

love this cute baby!!
for a while, tate wouldnt venture off his blanket! he didnt like the dirt on his hands! which made it was easier to keep an eye on him, but it didnt last long! he eventually got over it and explored that mountain!Tate and Daddy! Love my boys!
We got soaked from the rain!

saLAD MasTEr ParTy!!

Jon and I decided to host a salad master party, (only becuase i wanted free stuff) :) I have the BEST friends in the world! they all showed up to help support my dinner, but im pretty sure we all scarred the presenter. i dont think she will ever want to host another party for me again! but it was so much FUN! theres never a dull moment with my friends!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

BaTH tIMe!!

every mommy has to have one post about how cute their baby is at bath time! well here's mine! he loves bath time more than any other time of day! every time i pull him out the first thing he does is turn right back around and try to get back in! love that baby!

FiSHIng TrIP 2010

Tate is one crazy fisher! We went to Riggs Lake to get away from the heat! the weather was perfect! it was a nice family get away! tate loves the water and loves hiking with his daddy! I stayed behind from the hike because i was determined to catch a fish that was taunting me. however, i never caught the stupid fish! but the entire day was so much fun! i love the simple memories that will last a life-time!